Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Special Gift I've Given 12/7/09

The most special gift I've given also happens to be the one that was wasted. Let's call the recipient "Rich Younge Manne" for ease of storytelling. When I met Rich, I immediately started planning the perfect Christmas gift for him. After countless hours of conversations and games, it came to me. Every word he spoke after that made my gift seem more and more ideal. After a year or two of saving and a lucky shopping trip on vacation (I have no use for vacation money allowed me, so I Christmas shop whenever I get it", I was ready to wrap it and send it to its home. I can still feel the cool, smooth wrapping paper as I put each fold in its place and taped it down, careful not to wrinkle even an inch. A ribbon here, a name tag there, and I hid it away until the night of my birthday party. The wait was complete and agonizing torture, especially since I had already ruined his surprise for me. I knew that he had gotten me an amazing gift, and beating him at this game made it all the more exciting! The night arrived. My house was full of noise, laughter, and the smell of cookies. My gift was too  special to be given in public, so I brought Rich onto the deck, Carl's voice echoing gfrom the game room. The large package was waiting for him on the rail. I held my breath as he tore into the paper. I watched his eyes pour over the leather case. Slowly he unzipped it to reveal the brand new ESV Life Application Study Bible. He fingered through it briefly, and then, being bored, he found the stiff Celtic journal under it. Afraid to speak, I pointed to it, and he began to read the "dedication". Days had been spent thinking of the truest and most accurate words. He closed the brown case, looked me in the  eyes, said his solitary "thank you", and gave me a hug. The monotone of his voice, his restless air, and the words that followed ("Is that it? Can I go inside now?") confirmed the horrible sick feeling in my stomach. I nodded to acknowledge that there was no more, and I could not keep my eyes from watering as I watched him take that precious gift that would probably gather dust under his bed and rush inside to greet everyone loudly. Although I know better now, that evening I was overwhelmed with the knowledge that it wasn't the gift that wasn't special enough for him, but me.


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