Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Here's a nice story...

     A friend comes over to hang out after telling me to make them an ice cream sundae with melted peanut butter and Hershey's syrup like I usually do. They poke my sunburn repeatedly and threaten to stick their fingers in my cake batter. We go into the game room to goof off, and my favorite sick day movie (You've Got Mail) comes on, and I learn that this happens to be one of my friend's favourite movies as well. We laugh at and talk and sing with it, and I catch them staring at me as I stare at the end of the movie where Brinkley (the "hero's" dog) comes out, thus revealing the "heroine's" internet admirer's identity( it! haha :) well...with a t.v. guardian, because there are a couple of words...:-\ ) . You may be wondering what is so strange about my friend enjoying this movie as much as I do, but you must understand that he is not typically seen as the "chick flick" type. After the movie ends, his reaction is one of "OOhhhh I want that so much! That guy is a genius! I want that relationship!", while mine is one of "My...I wish that were real. This is really depressing. I have many friends like that, but in real life, that would never happen to me. Do people write these things just to torture us?"

     If you know me at all, you know that one things that always gets me talking is mentioning the fact that everyone wears a mask. It is a great deal of fun to try to peel back these masks, but it is not always without a certain amount of risk. People do not like being seen. For some reason, people feel uncomfortable around someone who can look at them once and see beneath all of their misdirections. It is extremely irritating to talk to someone who cannot hold your gaze, but it is even more irritating to have someone lie to your face about what kind of person they are when you can do absolutely nothing about it except smile and nod. Run around without a "mask" on and you are regarded as either a rebel or an outcast.

     I promise this story relates somehow...doesn't it?...OH YEAH! I remember. ^_^ He then asked me about a certain girl, because he wanted my opinion on his dating her or not. She strikes me as just another "country Barbie" with a gorgeous appearance, a way with children, a love for water and sports, and a hyper and kind air about them that is always present in public. She is the kind of girl who will never say an offensive word in front of you and always has something to say, be it a comment about the weather or a compliment about your shoes. There is nothing wrong with this, but I find that the compliments stop after a certain period of time. If I see another shiny-haired, Kelly Clarkson idolizing, baby kissing, loud, spoiled teenage girlfriend...*breathe*...I think I may go insane. How can you have a unique personality if every "in style" Twilight-lover has the same personality as you? How can you not be shallow when you base your entire birthday party around "which hair-colour looks best on me?"???? Honestly! If you're going to date my friend, can you please show me what you have been learning in the Bible? Can you please tell me something you love about him besides his silly jokes or amazing smile? Can you please give me another answer to how you are going to help him grow and walk through life besides, "Oh, I will always be there to hug him and smile and distract him from the bad stuff."

     Now, I cannot really tell my friend all of that, can I? My simple answer of, "Oh...I do not really know her, but she seems nice." should probably do it, then...right? Maybe I feel this way because I am a girl. If that is true, then I would never really be able to explain all of this to him. Who knows? I am just a little girl who knows nothing. I wonder when the day will come that I can actually become more than a best friend who has to sit and watch the guy make mistake after mistake about girls. Are all young men in these times shallow and ignorant? Oh's one in the morning, and I need to sleep. BYEZ! ♥

Proverbs 31:30

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