Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hello Again, World ^_^

Hey, you. Yes, you! The one in front of the screen reading this post. CONGRATULATIONS for taking the time to enlarge your mind by actually reading something. ^_^ That makes me smile! I was just you know what it's like to go on a trip of some sort and get completely lost so that time appears to stand still? I went to Washington state to spend some time with my family, and I forgot I owned a dog by the end of the was that bad. It is amazing what three weeks away from chaos can do for your mind. With all of the craziness of the past few years clogging up my head, I had forgotten who I was. YES I know that's incredibly cliche and corny, but it's true. I didn't know what I liked and disliked. All I could remember were memories of what this person liked and what this other person did when they found out. **breathe** I remembered that I did have a favourite cousin. :P I remembered that I absolutely LOVE video games, coloring, legos, books, Saturday morning cartoons, baking, and actually getting out and laughing with new people! I had forgotten all of that, and it had been replaced with long nights just sitting in front of the t.v. and telling my dog to be quiet.

It's easy to learn how to serve other people. It's much harder to take the initiative and go out of your way to find things to do. It's even more of a challenge to stand in someone's shadows and nod and smile at the appropriate time...waiting for your chance to do something by yourself. Being in a church made of old tend to forget that new believer's excitement more quickly than a growing church (or maybe that's just me). A few nights in a younger church was so encouraging. I do forget why I'm living sometimes, and talking to fellow believers who are learning stuff for the first time and zealous can remind you of the One who loves you unconditionally. It is so encouraging to lift your voice in song with a sanctuary filled with sold-out Christians. Don't get me wrong...spending a few precious hours in a back room with an out of tune piano and a hymnal is a wonderful way to spend time with God. ;-) There's something about true fellowship, however.

Coming home to hear the constant  complaints about how fat people think they are, arguments over which reality tv show guy should win the girl, giggling about the latest teen icon, and gossip about the mistakes of fellow human beings was somewhat disappointing, and I found myself missing Washington terribly, but I suppose those things are common everywhere now. It's funny...God never has to clear His head of anything. He is all-knowing and holy and is SO FAR above all of the human obsessions! Would you like to know what else I had forgotten? I had forgotten that I am longing to work my hardest in and out of the classroom in college, because developing the skills God's given me for His glory is a heart goal. I had forgotten that God's been SOOOO good to me in even allowing me to GO to college! He has provided all of my needs, and even allowed my biggest dream to come true (a visit from my sister without a giant blow-up). He has given me friends when I most needed them, and even in reading my classical books, His Word echoes in my mind, telling me what is of the world, and what is not. It may sound funny, but this is my blog, so :-P!!!!!!!!! Have an amazing day, and GO READ MORE STUFF, smart person! 8-B

Proverbs 31:30
Psalm 19:14

p.s. my next post will basically be a wishlist, because I am a selfish person, and I would only tell people what I want when they don't read it. ^_^

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