Monday, April 5, 2010


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Hello there. It seems that the intent of college recruiters is to constantly pester you until you have no more brain left to choose anything other than the college they represent! Why is this college business so difficult?? Doesn't America want to educate its children so that we may rise up and take the reins from the older generation, thus continuing the constant process of repair and perfection of the nation? Maybe this socialistic tendency has already spread to higher education. I mean...the perfect way to equalize and control the masses is by ignorance, right? "Why don't we make everyone equally stupid so that we can control the level of participation and the rate that information spreads!" Genius...absolutely genius. Well, it's working. It's a good thing I have God to control my future, because I sure would make a complete mess of things (and have...many times). Trusting Him can be so difficult, though it shouldn't be, but I suppose this lesson will serve me for the rest of my life, eh? Surely there will be trial MUCH larger than figuring out how to go to college. There are going to be situations that require a deeper patience and reliance on God in my life than waiting to see how God provides...especially if I am going to go into counseling.

One thing that god has shown me these past few months is that, despite all of the training and knowledge I have been given in my Christian school and church all of my life, the choice to follow Him really is mine. Even though I have been given the answers to many of life's big questions, satan constantly bombards me with doubts and seemingly hopeless situations. We have been warned since we were little about satan's darts, his tricks, and the attitudes he tempts us to have with little stories and examples that oversimplify it. We are made to think that serving God and serving self are black and white, when in reality, they are often hard to discern unless you are constantly walking with God and trusting Him to "direct thy paths". It saddens me to think that my dearest friends from high school can fall so quickly. What a heartache to know that nothing you can do or say will reach their hardened and blind hearts! Maybe it's not the whole "college" thing after all. Maybe the fact that we are leaving our homes and beginning to train for a life completely our own that causes us to think more seriously about why we do what we do every day. Why do I hold the door for older people? Why don't I go to movie theaters? What rule is there that says I can't flirt with every guy I see? Why are drugs wrong? Wow...I think I have completely bunny-trailed off my topic. Oh well! I guess that's what happens on SPRING BREAK!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!! Have an awesome day!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Fur,

    I have been wanting to comment on this ever since you posted it, but didn't because I wasn't sure if any other dudes read this blog or if you even meant for us to. However, I have somewhat overcome my "fear," and decided that, because this particular subject is so important, I would take the risk and comment anyway.

    I'm sure you will do great in college. Just remember to always trust the Lord because there is nothing He can't do. Matthew 17:20 says, He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." However, I mostly wanted to comment on the second part of this post.

    I think for the most part, while we are still in high school, we don't really question why we do what we do. We've grown up always doing things a certain way and that's just how it is. However, once we graduate and somewhat get out from under our parents' supervision, we start to question why we do what we do. We can respond to that questioning in one of two ways:

    1. We can decide that our parents were completely wrong all of those years, and do the complete opposite of what they have taught us.

    2. We can dig deep into God's word and trust Him to guide us every step of the way.

    During our years in high school (especially Oakwood), our lives are pretty much completely controlled by other people. We are told what we can and cannot wear, where we can and cannot go, who we can and cannot hang out with, what we can and cannot listen to, etc. But when we leave high school and possibly our parents' houses, we are pretty much free to do what we want. Sadly some people get a taste of freedom and go crazy. As a result, they ruin their lives and the lives of the people they love. Other people get a taste of freedom, but instead of shoveling it in, they decide it's best to take it in moderation.

    Freedom is fine, but we have to learn how to control it. I pray that you and all others reading this would choose this route. It's okay to question things. I rarely watch TV any more, go to the movie theater, or listen to secular music. These things are not forced upon me. I grew up listening to secular music, TV was my life, and we went to the movie theater whenever there was something "decent" playing. I didn't stop doing those things because somebody told me too, but because I felt that those things were keeping me from growing in my relationship with the Lord.

    I've figured out that, in order to keep the bad stuff out of your life, you have to be the one to make the decision to get rid of it. I would never tell anyone not to listen to secular music, not to watch television, or not to go to the movie theater because I know that's a decision they must make on their own. However, I would suggest that they listen to God when He convicts them, and search His Word to see what it says about it.

    Lastly, surround yourself with godly people that will encourage you in your walk with Him. I am so thankful for the people God has put in my life. He has used them to draw me closer to Him. The closer your friends get to God, the closer you're going to get to God.

    I think the most important thing to remember is that we are here for Him, not ourselves. I think everybody ought to look up Psalm 145:2 which says, "Every day I will bless You, and I will praise Your name forever and ever" and write it down somewhere that you will see it at least once everyday. Remember, there's no safer place to be than the will of God.

    Sorry I wrote a book. That tends to happen a lot. Hope you have a great day!
