Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I am now an alumna (right, Mrs. Bailes?) of Oakwood Christian School. This reminds me of that time of my life where I was too old for Patch the Pirate's Club yet too young for the youth group. It really stinks. The economy makes it nearly impossible to get a job, which is something I am dying to do, contrary to popular opinion. There's nothing like telling someone you're looking for a job and having them give you a look of complete shock and then shake their head. It's very encouraging. We should all do that. o and find some young person who is aching to work their hands to the bone in America's workforce, and laugh in their face.'s good for them. **breathe** Where was I? Oh yes...Is it normal to want to work hard? I've never really had to work a day in my life, and I really really want to. Of course, it's always different at home. No one thinks of that as real work (as in teenagers and the homes they live in). I want to go to college and blaze through giant projects that challenge me and force me to think hard. College is going to be difficult, but wouldn't that be a welcome change from just getting up every day and only having to worry about menial tasks like taking out the garbage????? PLEASE!!! LET ME LEAVE!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


It's two weeks before graduation, and I'm sitting in Mrs. Bailes's English class waiting for everyone to finish uploading their journal entries to our class blog (OCS Sen10rs). Two more days of classes, then we have exams. Saturday we leave on our Sr. Trip to Virginia/D.C., and I am excited! This can't be my class...we're still in kindergarten. Hunter STILL doesn't walk fast. I STILL have corny jokes. Carl STILL has OCD problems. Christina STILL has her blond moments. I just don't see the part where we grew up. Maybe it will always seem this way to me. Maybe grown-ups really are kids who happen to have a little more life experience than us. That's kind of scary. For anyone who knows about my horrible friend and the torture I was put through, that is over. I am free!!!!! Nothing can stop the song God's put in my heart today, for I am guilt-free and loving it. ADIOS!