Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Lake

There are some days, when your work is done or you are waiting for it to begin, and you find yourself completely excluded from distractions such as television, phones, or other people. Most of us would find this annoying, but it is this type of day that God can really use to teach one more about Himself if there is a willingness to listen. Here is just one strain of thought that came to me recently on a very long and empty day.

Camp kids love the lake. the water is always so inviting and exciting and slightly terrifying to them. I remember how a few of us girls would just sit on the dock and talk while the guys made fools of themselves by seeing how far they could run across the water's surface until the plunged into it headfirst. On sunny days it was usually placid and undisturbed by wind or rain. We wouldn't even have been able to tell it was moving had it not been for the slow, soft, steady sound of it brushing against the shoreline. Occasionally one of us would dip a toe or a stick into it's smooth surface, creating a series of tiny ripples that would emanate from the point of disruption. Of course, some of us would always be overcome by the temptation to slide into its cool depths, because the South Carolina heat is rather relentless.

As I reminisced about the camp days of years that slipped by too quickly, passages of Scripture began to flow through my mind that  used water as a symbol for the Saviour. It made me compare the miraculous element that God created with the attributes of His Son. Granted, they are only thoughts, but they were very interesting. 

Water is a very balanced element, especially in a body such as a lake. Lakes are usually very wide and deep. One human cannot usually know the exact parameters of a lake without being given the knowledge, or at least the tools to find it out. A lake is both  static and in motion. It remains in the same general location, but it ebbs and flows and takes part in the constant cycle of evaporation and condensation and precipitation. It can carry vehicles and humans on its surface, yet it has the potential energy to provide an entire region with electricity. It can be calm, and it can be furious. A lake can be such a comforting place - a solace of sorts and a place of contemplation, but it can be fatal if its rules are not obeyed. It can be seen, yet it is hidden from most. Every human contains a part of the element it is made of, yet many never go near it or seek an understanding of it.  

Does this not sound a little like our God? He is a God of balance. He is perfection in all points. The Godhead is very wide and deep. "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!" (Romans 11:33) Humans cannot know the parameters of the mind of an infinite Being, yet He has revealed certain truths about Himself, and has given us the tools to know more. "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13 God is both immovable, yet He moves constantly. He is everywhere, yet no one nor any THING is able to cause Him to move. He is too great. He cares for the sparrow and guides His children with love and gentleness, yet He chastens them who go astray, and punishes His enemies with unparalleled power. The God who created the earth, the heavens, and everything therein, is the same God that answers the prayer of a single mother who needs a job. Also, God sent His Son down to earth to become man...a visible being...a taste of God that is humanly perceived, yet such a small percentage of the earth's population was able to acknowledge him for their blindness! He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. (John 1:10) Humans were created with eternity imprinted on their souls. the very fact that they are alive is an evidence to their conscience of it, yet how tiny is the number of people who seek the truth of it all? 

Hhhhhhmmmmmmmm......I wonder why God created something like water only on earth to cover over two thirds of it and be essential to the sustaining of our lives.

It just escapes me......


Proverbs 31:30
Psalm 19:14

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