Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ode to a Lione

The slug has transformed now into a great bear.
She feeds and protects all who trust in her care.
The lion is weakened - his mane long and rough.
Of his wav'ring ways, she's had more than enough.

There are many more lions, though she did not see,
At the time, how a true friendship really could be.
She wandered away from the rock cold and hard,
But she never quite learned how to put down her guard.

The round soot-black bear slowly searched for a place
Where the creatures she spoke to would not fear her face.
She encountered an ape with a deep, piercing gaze,
With such strength she had not seen in all of her days.

This primal new force quickly captured her trust,
Which had almost gone out with the gold lion's dust.
But no more than a friendship this ever would be
For a bear's no companion for ape-kind, you see.

Now alas, this she-bear knew her purpose was not
To be here with the strong one and his wand'ring lot.
No, she must move on, as the seasons and days,
But she misses him still...and his wise soothing ways.

A new forest realm she beholds now ahead
And a strange speaking creature with brown crowned head.
It speaks, and she stops. What a marvelous sound!
Such a voice...such a creature she had not yet found

Who could hold still her mind with such relative ease
As the calm after storms on the turbulent seas.
A voice that speaks truth in a kind, humble way
Is now able to effect a change in her day.

This she-slug-turned-bear is still paralyzed there
By this golden-voiced creature with darkened brown hair.
Oh to run away free! She would move if she could,
But for now she is stuck in this thrice-cursed wood.

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