Monday, October 11, 2010


Good evening, cyberworld. ^_^ It's late, and i have a ton of questions running through my head.

What is it exactly that makes one person like another person? How do you define attraction. I don't mean the dictionary. I mean you personally. So many girls I have talked to like someone because they are cute, or because know they would benefit from having a relationship with that person. What's up with that? Since when was that a great basis for starting a relationship with someone? One of my friends told me that guys weren't as shallow in college...that they actually were looking for young women of substance. Another friend told me that they are pretty much the same as in high school...some are shallow and some are trying to be pretty good guys. Which do you consider it to be? A teacher once said, "What you get a guy with is what you keep him with." and that has stuck with me for all these years. What exactly draws "the right kind of guy" then? Are there any left? Is it normal for a girl like me to wonder if there could possibly be anyone out there who would take damaged goods even if they could get past the shoddy wrapping? adopted brother has always told me that he loves my personality and that some guy will be very happy some day to enjoy that too. He's a great encouragement. Even though most people consider him to be a normal rebellious or idiotic teenage guy, he's actually taught me a lot about life, and I hope that he finds a good woman to help him out in life. ^_^ Where was I? Oh yeah...there are so many philosophies about how a girl should act in these situations nowadays. Some people say it's alright for a girl to start showing interest in a guy. Others say that under no circumstances should a girl initiate anything. This confuses me thoroughly. It's natural to like someone, but should a girl anything about it? (this coming from the girl who had to be taught how to flirt by her best guy friend...well...ex-friend?...ish...?) I suppose that is why they call them crushes. Does anyone have any good ideas for making one go away? Maybe not thinking about it at all and just focusing harder on schoolwork and responsibilities would do it, eh? :-\ (not really) As I sit here in this cold main entrance house, I reflect on the buckets of fun I have had with new friends here at Bob Jones.

ANOTHER thing...(I'm sorry to just keep blabbing about myself...I really would like your input) girl or woman I have ever talked to (with one exception which shall go unnamed) has ever had the same "weaknesses" as I do when it comes to guys they like. Popular ones are a great smile and good hair and cute eyes...among other things...but that really doesn't matter to me. One guy looks like the next to me. It is their voice, their bearing, their personality which draws me. Rats...I sound like a Jane Austin novel, don't I? :-\ Maybe I'm just too old at heart to be able to have a real relationship. Hahaha. A deep voice that speaks truth in a strong tone of leadership but maybe slightly nervous makes me smile. I have no idea why, but it does. A guy like that deserves an excellent help-meet, however. That's it...maybe I should focus more on striving to be the kind of woman God wants me to be (for He is the perfect Father, friend, and leader). HEY! Novel thought. ^_^ Time to go practice. I hope you all have a wonderful night, and remember that god is SO GOOD all the time!!!!!!!

Proverbs 31:30

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