Monday, May 7, 2012

Hello, dear people who actually read these things!

   It recently occurred to me that it is socially acceptable to post pictures in your blog, so that is precisely what I shall do in this post. Since I have not written about every day goings on in my life for a while, I will attempt to catch you up as best as possible using images captured through my phone at random times. ^_^ Moo ha ha.

   My mother teaches fourth grade at a private Christian school, and her students had been asking her to bring me for show-n-tell. I finally visited in April and taught them how to diagram sentences using a donkey, an ice cream cone, and a tree. No, silly, I don't have that much money! I just drew them. ;) The children seemed to enjoy 
themselves and even drew me their own pictured of Bobby Cuppycake. Teaching is definitely not on my list of desired professions, but they were pretty fun to teach.

   Although I have been busy working for the past six months, I haven't been completely solitary. My friends have captured me for a few random trips to downtown Greenville or some coffee place or the mall. Yes, I hate shopping, but I have found a few places that I love very much. One such place is  Body Central in the Haywood Mall. Their jewelry is exactly my taste, and it is always on sale!! I get weird looks when I shop there, though. I can't imagine why......     
   During my free time, which is virtually non-existent now, I try to knock out books on my list of classics. My most recent accomplishment was The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte. The heroine of the story was so easy for me to understand and connect with. It was definitely one of those books you get sucked into and feel all hazy when something or someone drags you out of it. I also love to paint wooden things. I am no master, but it's fun, and it allows time to think, which I love.

   Oh yeah! I almost forgot...the majority of my time is being taken up by both of my jobs. Kohl's isn't a very good company to work for, but the job is decent enough. They give associates a fifteen percent discount, which is nice. Publix, however, is an outstanding company to work for! My jobs have taught me so many things...both practically and about people. I haven't made any "kindred spirits", but I have a few friends. Hopefully I will be able to work at Publix until I get a degree. I have been accepted into the June term at Tri-County Technical College, so we will see how the jobs and school mesh. Maybe I won't die.
   About a week or so ago, an unexpected event occurred. My mother and I took my dog, Shadow, to the vet, and we ended up having to put him down. The dog was so ugly, but he was the only happy thing I came home to most days, so it was hard. 

   They say that the pets are just supposed to go to sleep during the procedure. My mother stayed with him when they did it, but I couldn't watch death. I could hear Shadow start to yell at the end. That was the hardest thing I have had to experience in a long while. It haunts my dreams sometimes still. It is a sound I will not easily forget. Still, I have my own ways of clearing my head of cobwebs and obstacles.  There is a park here in town that I absolutely love, because it is usually quiet, and it remains beautiful year-round. I cannot think of a better place to go to talk to God or study or write or just sit. 

   Another part of my life is the O'Brien household. I have been connected to it for almost eight years now. My older friends know the bad that came from it, but my newer friends only know the wonderful things that have come from it. They are such generous people, at least to me. They come pick me up and take me to their home in Greenville sometimes just to hang out. The oldest girl, Marla, is just a little younger than my sister, and Melanie is four years younger than I am. 

   Marla came to the Anderson fair with me this past Wednesday at 10:30pm! She convinced me to get onto the swinging pirate ship ride (which I was completely terrified of!!!), and we saw a real camel, which she had to drag me away from eventually. I spent this past weekend at their house with their papa while they visited an old friend who is doing basic training. It was an adventure, certainly. When they got back, Marla and Melanie took my downtown for some girl-time and a quick game of putt-putt. 

   I was also already in Greenville this past week, because my uncle received an honorary doctorate from Bob Jones University. I was able to see my aunt and uncle from Guam, as well as my cousin Joseph and his family. He had three daughters that I had never really met, and we became friends immediately. Of course, Sarah and Benjamin were there with Garth too. I miss them very much, and it was exciting, yet sad to see how much they've grown even in the six months since I had seen them last (yes...I may quite possibly be referring to Garth AND the kids ^_^). As I told someone else, all of my favourite guys were gathered together on the day of commencement, except two, and one of those was able to join the others for dinner. ;-) I'll let you figure that one out on your own.
Two other exciting events helped pass the dull workweeks during March. The first was the last day of Good News Club, a ministry of Oakwood Baptist Church that goes to Centerville Elementary School and holds a vacation Bible school-type program every Tuesday. Work kept me from going as much as I would have liked, but when I did go, it really made an impact on me. The kids definitely had heart needs, but my friend Amanda and I also went away from every day laughing our heads off about something those crazy kindergarteners did. It was worth every minute. I even found a mini-me!
   The other exciting event in March was the wedding of my friend Cat. She asked me to be her maid of honour. I hate having to get all "dolled up" for anything, but she's my friend. She was also the craziest bride I have ever met. Who drinks a Monster right before their ceremony!? Oh well. Her husband seems to be happy, so I guess that's all that matters. The bachelorette party was fun to plan, at least. :)

   Alright, I think I have tortured you enough for one post with my odd picture arrangements and petty ramblings. There's just one more thing that people seem to think has happened in the past six months. Many rumours have circulated, and I wish to put them to rest. Yes, friends. I have a boyfriend, and I am going to post his picture right here!!! 

   I hope you are all satisfied now. We worked so hard to keep it a secret, but no one would leave us alone. Oh well. All secrets come out eventually, I suppose. I do hope that you will wish us well. It is going swimmingly, and we are very happy, though I don't get to visit him as much as I'd like. He's all the way in Greenville, and his iron-clad work contract kind of has him immobilized right now. He does have a rather steadfast, impenetrable personality, though. Really...he's a solid young man. X-D Alright...alright...I'll stop. Have a blessed week, peoples.

Proverbs 31:30
Psalm 19:14