Friday, February 17, 2012

Mountain Climbing

It's been said that most people will never know what it's like to conquer a mountain like Everest. Most people won't try because they are afraid, unable, or just unwilling to try. Imagine life as a landscape. There are hills, valleys, mountains, oceans, and flatlands. I believe every person has to cross a stretch of uncomfortable terrain at some point along their journey, wherever their destination may be. I also believe that most people never know what it's like to conquer those mountains either, for the same reasons. As a Christian, God won't always make someone climb the enormous mountain. Like any parent giving their child free will, sometimes He will sit with them until either they trust Him, or until it is time to go around to more important things. For those who choose to trust Him through the fear and blaze ahead, the experience may seem endless, exhausting, and pointless. 

He provides the right equipment for the job He has called us to do, but sometimes believing that a metal ring a quarter of an inch thick will keep us from plummeting thousands of feet to our death is a little difficult. Letting the intense weather conditions and constant activity wear on and discourage us is too easy. Often we wonder if climbing this terrible mountain is even worth it, since we do not know exactly what the end looks like. While trusting God, it is easier to keep on climbing, but when we allow ourselves to stop and doubt, that is when gravity and doubt start to pull on us and weigh us down. The longer we are still, the more weight it forces upon us, making it nearly impossible to get going again. On a mountain, suspended in the air, if we are not moving up, it feels like we are going backwards, and we start to question our decision to start climbing in the first place. "God didn't force me to do this. He would have understood my fear. He would have let His child go another way. Someone else could have done this. Look at all of the other stuff I could be doing right now while I am stuck on this dumb rock. I'm not even good at climbing!" 

Thankfully, God, in His love and mercy, will turn our eyes back upon Him, whether it be by sending us a partner to help us get going again, or just by giving us the strength to get through the next day so we can see His sunrise on another plain like we have never seen before. He reminds us of who He is, how much He loves us, and what He has done to bring us to this point, and the climb is no longer a strain. Some mountains last a lifetime, with a few plateaus interspersed, and some mountains are overcome in a few months, but they are always rewarding. We should never be afraid to go where God leads us, even if we don't have all the answers at the beginning. "I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:12-13) This doesn't mean that we, as humans, have the power to do everything, because we are saved. It means that God, the Creator of the universe AND us, the One who sees the future and holds it in His hand, the Saviour who has called us to follow Him has given us the opportunity to be a part of His sovereign plan. His will is set in stone, yet He has asked us to be a part of the body...a worker for Him. That same God will not ask us to climb a mountain if He has no control over the mountain. Don't you think the God who has numbered every hair on our head has already taken care of our every need? Our way is set. He's just asking us to climb. We are invincible in His will until He chooses to take us home!

<3 Fur 
Proverbs 31:30
Psalm 19:14